Release notes for MindTerm 3.4.1 This version fixes a number of bugs which were present in 3.4 and adds some minor enhancements. * Enhances SSH2Transport to keep track of number of bytes sent and received. The counts can be received via the methods: public long getTxBytesCompressed(); public long getTxBytesUncompressed(); public long getRxBytesCompressed(); public long getRxBytesUncompressed(); * Accept channel windows sizes larger than 2^31-1. There are SSH server implementation which announce such ridiculous channel window sizes so we have to accept them. * Changed the class SSH2AuthKbdInterac (which implements keyboard- interactive) to look for a property with name "password" and use it as the password if found. The password is only tried once and any further questions from the server are sent to the interactor. * Various improvements to the handing of X.509 certificates. The API's give more information about them and a bug with reading certificates from Netscape databases have been fixed. * SSH2SessionChannel did not use the correct default receive window and max packet size values. * Filter out ^S and ^Q when printing output in terminal emulator. That is because some servers sends it every now and then. * SSH2SFTP now allows max packets of up to 256Kbytes. But do not allocate that much space unless really needed. * Do not disconnect the entire session if we get CHANNEL_EOF or CHANNEL_REQUEST after we have received a CHANNEL_CLOSE. The server should not send this, but let us be forgiving and just simply ignore it rather than giving up completely.